Photo Handbag for that IT in designer handbags. A photo handbag is more affordable than you think. You can pamper yourself by creating your own design on a photo handbag. What is your favorite memory that you could take around with you and proudly display? Is it a wedding photo, a childhood memory, a pet, a vacation, anniversary or any other special moment that you cherish? A designer photo handbag from Gina Alexander collection is the photo handbag for you. The Gina Alexander photo handbag is packed with beautiful leather trim, luxurious fabrics, and high quality buckles and zippers. Makes for a very durable and breathtaking designer handbag to use for everyday use. The classic designs are timeless and can be worn with any outfit. Whether it is a casual night on the town, heading to the office, or dressed in your finest garments a photo handbag is for you. Photo handbag with your family vacation, birthday, trip to an amusement park, a pet, or any other memorable moment in your life, t...