Kids contests are a great way to ward off the damaging effects of non-stop video game playing, something kids are sure to be doing if parents don't step in to intervene. Imagine that, video game intervention. Who thought this would be necessary? Nothing destroys childhood summertime memories more than being holed up in a dark bedroom, hour upon hour, day after day, wasting away before the mind-numbing, non-interactive control of video games. The quickest and easiest contest is children photography contests. Everyone has access to a digital camera or a cell phone. If you don't have one yourself, I am sure you can borrow one from a friend or neighbor. Then comes the hard part. How to get your child away from the video games and into the real world outside. I would suggest organizing family outings. If not a family vacation to the beach or camping or to some historical town or landmark, then maybe just a day trip somewhere. Just load up the family truckster and go. Along the way, ...