by JulianBleecker Are you thinking of buying a telescope? Perhaps you are wondering - what are the differences between refracting telescopes and reflecting telescopes, and which are better refracting telescopes or reflecting telescopes. As you read this article, you will discover more about which is the best telescope to purchase. There are many different telescopes for sale. These different telescopes, however, fall into mainly 2 categories. The first is refracting telescopes, which is the one that reminds us most of Galileo's telescope. The other is reflecting telescopes, which is commonly attributed with Isaac Newton. Both refracting telescopes and reflecting telescopes have benefits, advantages and disadvantages. The key element here is that your needs are the main focus, and as you read this article, you will discover which type of telescope is best for your needs in backyard astronomy. * Information About Refracting Telescopes The design of the refracting telescope is also t...
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