The Federal Government Is The Steward Of The Economy, Not Its Master: The Importance Of Economic Freedom
by zinetv The most recent economic numbers show the U.S. economy is not recovering. Economic growth in the second quarter of 2010 is estimated to be a weak 1.6%. Experts estimate that in order to keep unemployment where it is, we need at least 3% growth. The summer of recovery touted by President Obama is really just more of the same - weak profits and high unemployment levels. Millions of Americans are demanding answers and want solutions from the government. However, government does not control the economy. The most it can do is maintain conditions that encourage investment, innovation, and other economic activities that create growth and most importantly, create new jobs. When the economy finally recovers it will not be because of any government action, but more likely the absence of government action. When it comes to the economy, politicians believe they should be credited with its success or their opponents should be blamed for its failure. In reality, most of what goes on in th...