Article Marketing has been one of the most powerful success secrets of numerous internet gurus and experts. It is often compared to PPC, another popular method of obtaining traffic. Article Marketing emerges as the clear winner, that is if you know how to exploit it to the optimum for your internet marketing business. In fact, article marketing is a more dynamic, effective and results targeted method, than PPC. This is not possible, without consistent application of the right strategy in article writing and marketing. The Article Title : The first few words of the header of your article decide the success of your article marketing campaign. Almost like the ppc ad header. The only dissimilarity is that you have more canvas to express your thoughts & attract the reader's attention to it. When you design your title make sure that it is catchy enough to catch people's attention and want to read your article. The keyword should be found in the first 3-4 words of the title. Make ...