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Advantages of Facebook Photo Contest for Brand Publicity

Facebook social media marketing is a new media tool widely utilized for promotion of big and small businesses. As more and more businesses are using Facebook for promotion, it is coming up with most innovative apps to boost brands images. There are many apps that can be used to keep your Facebook community engaged with your business updates as well as encourage new prospects to take interest in your business offerings. If you are looking for innovative methods to engage with your Facebook community, Facebook contests can be a great idea. Though these contests comes in many forms such as photos, advertising captions and rewarding likes, but photo contests are most influencing means of promoting a business or its products and services.

Photo contests are easy tools of Facebook social media marketing that helps in creating lots of interesting content for your brand promotion and entice a large number of audience to engage with your brand. Facebook photo contests are amazing promotional tactics for small businesses and when done effectively can give a great thrust to your ROI. It is one of the inexpensive ways of getting engaged with your prospects. These contests help in bringing new Facebook likes, keep existing Face-book community engaged and provide a fun way to interact with existing customers and targeted prospects.

Here are the latest guidelines by the Facebook that must be followed for utilizing contest apps. Facebook has made it mandatory to follow these guidelines to use any third party application for running the contest.
Any Facebook photo contest should not require the participants to like a page, connect to an application and check in to a page.
The content should be unconditional i.e one cannot impose conditions such as uploading pictures, posting comment or liking a page
One cannot use the like button for voting purposes
It is not allowed to use any social network's brand, trademark, copyrights or intellectual property for promotion.
One has to keep above things in mind while promoting business through Facebook photo contest. Otherwise you will get strict warning or might lose your page as well. In order to read all guidelines in detail, please click at
In order to enhance your brand value through Facebook photo contest, the following things must be kept in mind
The contest should be appealing, catchy and original
They should be simple to participate. Bringing in too many complicated entries can refrain people from participating.
You should entice customers by giving as many prizes as possible The best way is to seek services of professional social media agencies. These agencies have expertise in providing best Facebook social media marketing to boost business popularity.

Brandappz is one of the India's best Facebook Social Media Marketing companies. We develop social apps, Facebook Photo Contest etc. that helps to you makes strong network or branding for your products and organizations.


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