Before you start lifestyle shopping, it is very important that you understand what a goal of a lifestyle brand should ideally be. Can every common brand you see across the road be called a lifestyle brand? No, it cannot. Because a lifestyle brand to truly be successfully needs to be able to become something that people use to relate to one another. They sell not just quality products; they sell an identity or what you may call an image. The product they sell helps to create an image or further add on to it, so that people can express their individuality. What some call their 'taste' in clothing or perfumes is actually an inference to their personal identity, which is why not all lifestyle shopping centers are created equal. So why should you care what a lifestyle shopping centre imply? Today, many brands that have created a lifestyle online shopping website strive to be a lifestyle brand in itself. However, that is not as easy as it sounds. Only because a brand can sell product...
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