It does not matter whether you are novice or an advanced level nature photographer; everybody enjoys a scary feeling when your work is inspected by a third person. But, in the end all your work might be paid off when you get an award for your work or some kind of appreciation. You should remember one thing that whether you photography work is appreciated or not, you will certainly have the best time while doing outdoor photography. I had an experience of five years as while working as a judge for the nature photography, I must say that I gained important information when it comes to entering a contest of photography. In this article, I would like to share what I have learned in all these years regarding entering a nature photography contest. I hope that I would inspire you to send your nature photographs to one of the contests.
How to be a part of these contests- I must say that sending your photographs to some contest is a fun and exciting but at the same time nerve-racking experience. Once you have sent these photographs to the contest, you are entirely on the mercy of judges' verdict. This is the stage when you don't have the control on what will happen next. The best and the easiest rule to enter any contest is to follow the rules of the contest. I must tell that all the contests that I have I have judged or took part in, had particular set of rules. Because I have worked as a judge for so many years, I know that the judgers are not devils. Yes, there will be times when you don't get to understand any particular set of rules. But take my word for it; they are surely important for the judges.
If you really want to stay ahead of the competition then make sure that you follow these rules. Next you will be aware of that every nature photography contest has varied categories. If you really want to be successful, you would have to give importance to all the categories. You have to think that which category will fetch more entries and which one will not. If your nature photography is good for a particular category then you will surely win the contest.
One of the best ways of getting new ideas to enter any photography contest is by conducting a prior research. You can have a look at the last year's winners and look at the reason as why those photographs were successful. If you are taking part in a smaller contest, these people also keep photographs of the previous winners.
Therefore, it is very important that when you are out there, you should relax and have fun so that you are able to capture the best photographs possible.
Photobrainiac is a free online photography contest, where you can join the nature photography contest. of various categories to win cash prizes every month.
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