by DawnOne
Why internet security is important for a business
There are several reasons. One of the most important reasons is due to the fact that a breach of internet security can threaten the very livelihood of your company itself, including vital information such as financial formation, etc. For that reason, one system should be able to keep track of recording and monitoring all internet activity across the board when it comes to the business itself. There are a couple of different ways that you can go about doing this. To begin with, you can monitor your employees using restricted access and by not allowing access to certain websites. (A lot of companies block facebook and myspace, for example, much to the chagrin of the employees).
It is important to do this because many large businesses are threatened by hackers who get onto the internet and hack into the business's system and threaten secure information. They do this by either gathering the information to use for various reasons, or by sending out viruses that can harm the integrity of the system itself. By restricting access and monitoring your employees, you can help stave off some of these attacks.
A good security protection system within each computer is also recommended. This can be in the form of a firewall or anti-virus program-preferably both. By installing these, you can try to ward off some of the most common attacks. Programs that block adware and spyware is also suggested and should be included as part of a good anti-virus program, too. In addition, it should be noted that updating your web browser from time to time can be advantageous as well. (Windows does it for you automatically if you enable the auto update function.)
Some companies have started having internet training sessions for their employees as well. In these sessions, employees are taught the dangers of opening attachments from people they don't know, changing their passwords frequently, and staying away from sites that are not secure. Ensure that the email system that your employees use has a virus system included as well. A good system will read and scan the attachments quickly to ensure that there are no viruses included. Some of them even do this right as the emails come in, making it go a little bit faster. Lastly, make sure that you always back up your important fields and documents and make certain that your employees know to do this as well. Invest in flash drives for everyone.
Internet Security - Using Social Utility Sites
If you don't have a Facebook, Myspace, or Twitter account then you are among the few. Social utility sites are some of the most common websites on the Internet today. Children as young as ten years old can build their own websites and upload music, photographs, and videos on them. They can be a great way to keep in touch with family and friends, promote your business, or even meet new people. However, do they threaten your internet security? In some cases, they can. They can also threaten your personal security if you don't make wise decisions about how you use them. Read an earlier article of mine here where I discussed how a cyber criminal got control of a young girl's life through facebook and forced her into prostitution.
Like in "real life" you should use caution in your "virtual life." You wouldn't give someone on the street a photograph of your child, your phone number, or your address,
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right? Well, believe it or not millions of people do that on the internet everyday. On Facebook, it gives you a place to enter your employment information, your address, your telephone number, and your work history. If you choose to make your profile public, that means that anyone who looks at your profile can read all of that. Facebook also has applications that require you to pay for certain things. (Usually things like "gifts" that you can send to people on your friend's list.) However, if someone hacks into your account they can steal your credit card information. This is particularly easy if you store your password on your computer.
In addition, sometime people hack into social utility sites, use a person's profile, and send out viruses to the people on their friend's list. When this happens, the victim's friends open the email thinking that it is from someone that they know, only to be hit with a virus that could crash their entire system. To avoid this, make sure that you change your password on a regular basis and that you keep diligent watch of your activity. If you decide not to use your account anymore, have it deleted. Always ask permission before you include a photograph of someone on your site. Many people do not want their picture posted for various reasons. Don't add someone if you do not know them. It I very easy to pretend to be something that you're not when it comes to the internet. Lastly, make your profile private so that only the people on your friend's list can see it. This will stop unwanted people from lurking on your site.
Amit Sen, a commercial pilot by training, has over 15 years experience in the space of corporate investigations, handling Copyright & Trademark infringement cases, Pre – employment verification Industrial Espionage investigations, Asset & Net – Worth assessment assignments and vendor / supplier verification cases, among others. Co-founder of Alliance One Detectives – which is the best cyber crime consultants in Mumbai. Apart from specializing in home security, Amit has also successfully completed assignments in a wide range of sectors, including the machine tools industry, pharmaceutical industry, hospitality sector, specialized equipment (Oil & natural gas sector, aviation industry etc.), telecom industry & the IT & ITes sectors. These cases have all involved both offline and online investigations.
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