Our computing gadgets are becoming smaller and smaller year after year. The mobile phones even more become handy while iPads came to be thinner and richly integrated with features and functions. And after the short introduction of the social networking sites after the millennium, here is the technology called "cloud-computing". What huge technological advancement did it bring? It minimizes our use of bulky hard disk drives, expensive personal computer servers, and lengthy wire interconnectivity in our homes and offices. You can save your files in the servers not of your own and more than that, you can access it anytime wherever there is internet. The "wifi" or wireless fidelity enhancement is another breakthrough. It allows you to connect into the cloud at a faster speed. Amazing inventions isn't it?
Nanotechnology in the Semiconductors
It is level of integration to the highest form possible on our current era using the latest tools at hand. They called it "nanotechnology". Wikipedia defined it as the manipulation of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. I believe you are getting the idea behind gadgets getting smaller and richer in functionality. The electronics industry is doing it all for us. Actually, it is the semiconductor industry - the core brain of the electronics world. The germanium and silicon materials that are before the large ICs (integrated circuits) and space consumer resistors, capacitors and diodes on the PCB (printed circuit board) of our electronic gadgets are now in the size of nanometers. MAXIM, Analog Devices, Texas Instruments, Intel, AMD, Fairchild ad On Semiconductors are just some of the many semiconductor companies who are after the nanotechnology. From the die or wafer level, things are made even tinier that our naked eyes have no way to see them. That's definitely a superb innovation!
MEMS Technology in our Electronic Devices
What's more interesting to the present scientists and investors is the MEMS technology. The Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems or MEMS is introduced as a technology that in its most general form can be defined as miniaturized mechanical and electro-mechanical elements that are made using the techniques of microfabrication. Very similar to the nanotechnology, right? Well, this is just to emphasize again that what makes our CRT monitor to become LCD and LED types, our desktop computer to become laptop and netbook, and the hard disk drives to turn into flash drives and SD cards at the gigabytes level, is because of this extremely high level integration. This is the future of yesterday. What you could be holding or watching right now is a product of it. You are enjoying and benefiting from this technology and it's really fantastic!
Global Distributors of Components and Consumer Electronics
The outside world, the term most manufacturing companies used or mentioned when they are on their factories, is the world of humanity. It could still be beyond the understanding of many on why there are nanotechnology and MEMS in the inside world. Logically, the electronics industry does not require us to understand it. They are focusing more on us getting the byproducts of these technologies and they are very successful on that in past 50 years or so. That is why these industries are calling it "consumer electronics" - the gadgets we buy from the store and use. We are sometimes called "techy" if we happen to have the latest release gadgets and tools in the market. But behind the consumer electronics are the raw materials of these gadgets that are under the non-stop trading at almost the same speed and volume as our iPads, netbooks and mobile phones. Global distributors of these better be called "electronic components" are as aggressive as the distributors of consumer electronics. Samsung, Apple, IBM, Acer, Nokia, Sony and hundreds of other well-known consumer electronics companies are the buyers of these electronic components from the global distributors. What a diverse world of electronics!
The Branch Outlet is just one of these many global distributors whose objective is to deliver on our home and our hands the latest technology of today. We can call these distributors the technology intermediaries. From semiconductor companies, they deliver the electronic components to the consumer electronics companies. These companies will then market their products to the electronics shops and online store where we consumers are buying them for our own use. The Branch Outlet is not only a bridge between technology and you; it is also make things happen in the electronics world. The Branch Outlet is amazing!
Project Noriel Online Marketing Group ( http://www.projectnoriel.com/ ) is a freelance project management consulting company with the primary goal of building websites, promoting products and services, improving the supply chain management operation of small and medium companies, and honing the skills and expertise of people, organizations, companies and corporations. One of the many services of this group is to provide online and offline marketing solutions that are base on the latest technology and well-proven techniques and strategies in marketing. We are a diverse freelance marketing group.
The Branch Outlet ( http://www.thebranchoutlet.com/ ) is our strategic partner committed on delivering excellent customer service across the globe. TheBranchOutlet.com offers high quality cables & components at a competitive price.
The Branch Outlet ( http://www.thebranchoutlet.com/ ) is our strategic partner committed on delivering excellent customer service across the globe. TheBranchOutlet.com offers high quality cables & components at a competitive price.
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