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PID Slc500.avi

PID Slc500.avi


nanoHUB-U Fundamentals of AFM L5.5: Computer Simulations using VEDA - Contact Mode Feedback

Table of Contents:
00:09 Lecture 5.5:Contact Mode Feedback Simulations with VEDA: ...
01:17 The AFM Feedback Loop
03:32 Feedback Warning Signs
06:43 Example 1: Influence of controller gains
08:01 Simulated Topography
09:57 Mean Interaction Force
12:11 Including Geometric Convolution
13:13 Simulation with integral gain = 0.005 and proportional gain =0
15:41 Example 2: Influence of scan speed for fixed controller gains
18:04 Constant P,I, variable scan speed
19:12 P fixed, vary I (results plotted only for 5 lines/s)
20:51 Include tip dilation effects (results plotted only for 5 lines/s)
23:05 Up Next: General discussion of tip artifacts

This video is part of nanoHUB-U's course Fundamentals of Atomic Force Microscopy: Part 1 Fundamental Aspects of AFM. (

Structured as two 5-week courses, this unique set of courses developed by Profs. Ron Reifenberger and Arvind Raman, look at the underlying fundamentals of atomic force microscopy and exposes the knowledge base required to understand how an AFM operates.

The atomic force microscope (AFM) is a key enabler of nanotechnology, and a proper understanding of how this instrument operates requires a broad-based background in many disciplines. Few users of AFM have the opportunity or resources to rapidly acquire the interdisciplinary knowledge that allows an intelligent operation of this instrument. This focused, in-depth course solves this problem by presenting a unified discussion of the fundamentals of atomic force microscopy.

Fundamentals of Atomic Force Microscopy, Part 2: Dynamic AFM Methods provides an in-depth treatment of dynamic mode AFM.


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