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Learn about famous buildings by taking an Architecture Tour

by barnyz

If you are a person who loves travelling, loves architecture and loves visiting cities, a great way then to not only see places, but learn about their architecture is to take guided architecture tours. Architecture tours are conducted in several famous cities around the world. By taking an architecture tour of a place or a network of places, you get to learn all about the famous buildings of that place while on holiday. There are several cities around the world that are known for their beautiful architecture, be it modern or old and historical architecture. Several tour companies and organizations like e-architect, Glasgow architecture and Edinburgh architecture conduct various types of these architecture tours. They range from bus tours, boat tours and cruises, walking tours and even seaway tours. Architecture tours are conducted to countries like Canada, the United Kingdom, China, U.S.A., The Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal to name just a few. Important and famous cities in these countries are covered in these architectural tours. There are single city tours as well as tours with a network of cities. These tours are conducted by architectural tour guides that have extensive knowledge about the architecture of the place or places.
Types of Walking Tours
Walking tours are taken on foot and normally last for the full day or part of it. They can be for one or more destinations and are usually escorted by a guide who is knowledgeable about the sights that are being covered on the tour. There are various types of walking tours like neighborhood walking tours, cultural walking tours, culinary walking tours, historical walking tours, artistic walking tours, photography walking tours, architecture walking tours and more.If you are reasonably fit then it is a great way of getting a closer look at the landscape, buildings or culture of a place.
Taking an Architecture Walking Tour
Architecture walking tours are conducted in several famous cities around the world. The tours are escorted by guides who have a thorough knowledge of the architecture of the place and some are architects themselves. By going on an architecture walking tour you get to have an intimate look at the various types of architecture at a leisurely pace. Few of the places that are renowned for their walking tours are Copenhagen, London and Edinburgh.
Architecture competitions are conducted worldwide
Architecture competitions have been taking place for over 2,500 years. Athens' Acropolis was theresult of an architecture competition.This type of competition is usually organized by a government body or organization that invites architects from that area, country or from around the world to present a design proposal to construct a new building. The winner is chosen by a panel of judges who are design professionals and government or local spokespersons. Several of these architecture competitions are conducted all over the world.

Author is a contributor writer and having a great experience of work with architects. He is also being a jury member in many architecture competitions and has strong views on architecture walking tours . For more information please visit our website


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